21 August 2009
Ramadhan is here..~
06 August 2009
celebration II
Preggy Michi - sangat la boyot okayy!~
Cite nye macam ni..pagi tadi punye lah ngantuk! Aku selalu memang set alarm clock pukul 4.00 pagi..then bangun untuk iron baju then sambung tido balik until mak kejut around 5.45 a.m..So, nak jadikan cite..masa aku tengah iron baju memang dengar Michi meoww-iiing kat luar. Buat tak tau jela..sebab kalau aku pegi tengok, confirm dia akan buat muka kesian nak masuk rumah! Haha..dia memang pandai buat muka sedihhh!! Lepas tu, aku pegi dapur..nak sahur! hee..[ tak abis ganti pose lagii lahhh!~] .. bla bla bla bla..lepas sahur, sambung tido..~
Tibe2..tengah syok2 tido, mak kejut. Ingatkan dah time bangun rupa2 nya nak suruh tengok Michi..Aku dengan bukaan mata yang sangat minimal tu pegi la ikut mak tengok Michi...Sal pon ade time tu sebab semalam dia cakap nak puasa..so, dia baru lepas sahur lah tu..~
Mak cakap tengok la Michi..Aku pon tengok lah..Ada apa tepi Michi tu..kecik je..~ Haaahhhhhhhhhhh??? Baby? Ada 2?? Yeayyyy!! At last! Lahir gak..! Macam tak percaya..All of us was totally suprised! Heee... ^_^
Haha..ni ade lagi satu berita tergempar..! Time dapat berita tu aku dah kat office..got a message from kakak saying that Michi bukan lahirkan 2 babies but FIVE!! What??! Fivee??? Michi gave birth to five babies!! Oh my goodness!! Gileee!! Hebat sungguh Michi Suzuki ini!! Hahaha.. =)
Hehehe..I love my mood today! Takde nak tension2 macam selalu..~ it's all because the cute little fella lahh..! Sekarang ni kena fikir nama diorang.. We only have 2 names sebab ingatkan akan dapat twins je..tak tau la terus dapat quintuplets lakk kann?? heee... =) Happy! Happiieyy! Happpiiieeeyyyyyy!!! Any ideas??
Okay. Till we meet again. Bye now.
*Can't wait to get home!! Cepatttt laaaaaa~ I wanna see the babies!!~
XOXO, gossip girl.
04 August 2009
So, to my dearest sister, Shak..I wish you all the best for your future undertakings.. & happy always!!
"Simple in Virtue..Steadfast in Duty"..is my motto! Haha.. =) taken from CBN's motto~ heee...
Okay..Last friday was my dear parents 26th anniversary..we did not have a special celebration for that..just that I am very thankful that we managed to gather all the six of us together! .. I told kakak to buy Secret Recipe because my mak pernah cakap dah lama tak makan Secret..but instead she bought cupcakes from Cuppacakes by Wondermilk..Aiyyooo!! hehe..takpe lah..at least she contributes something kan??